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Human Development and Quantitative Methodology

Incorporating Intersectionality Into Research on Social Cognitive Development

Abstract TBA

Children’s Thinking about Societal Hierarchies

Abstract TBA

Latinx Cultural Cognition

Abstract TBA

Shared Parental Responsiveness and Child Development Among Families with Low Income

Using Natural Language Processing to Measure and Improve Teaching Effectiveness: Evidence from Randomized Controlled Trials

Toward Healing Care-Systems to Support Relational Well-Being for Latino Immigrant Youth in and Out of School Spaces

Abstract TBA

Learning Language, Fast and Slow: How to Overcome Sparse Data and Signal Degradation During Moment- To-Moment Comprehension

Big Data/Big Science Come To Developmental Science: The Healthy Brain and Child Development Study

Preparing Young Children for Success Through Everyday Conversations

Language Development Through a Social-Interactionist Lens


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