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Second Language Acquisition

Proactive Language Learning: Bridging Motivation and SLA

Join the School of Language, Literatures, and Cultures for a candidate presentation in Second Language Acquisition.

Scrutinizing language proficiency measurement: Is it always for the greater good?

Title and abstract TBA

Join the School of Language, Literatures, and Cultures for a candidate presentation in Second Language Acquisition.

Title and abstract TBA

Join the School of Language, Literatures, and Cultures for a candidate presentation in Second Language Acquisition.

Title and abstract TBA

Join the School of Language, Literatures, and Cultures for a candidate presentation in Second Language Acquisition.

Title and abstract TBA

Join the School of Language, Literatures, and Cultures for a candidate presentation in Second Language Acquisition.

Although we will continue to offer a Zoom option for LSLT for now, we strongly encourage you to attend in person! The talk is only part of the point of LSLT: it's a good opportunity to meet and chat with students and faculty in other departments. And we've now reinstated the classic LSLT sandwich line!

Zoom link: https://go.umd.edu/lslt-zoom

Piecemeal or wholesale transfer? The effects of lexical properties in L3 transfer

Email Tetiana Tytko (ttytko@umd.edu) for the Zoom link.

Integrating Psycholinguistics and Sociolinguistics in the Study of Bilingual Speech

Email Tetiana Tytko (ttytko@umd.edu) for the Zoom link.

Measuring and modulating effortful listening: Developing interventions to address diverse listening challenges


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