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Language Science Center


Meaning Through the Ages


Paulina Lyskawa (LING) & Bethany Dickerson (UMass)

Phonological representation in two laryngeal systems


Assisting Interpreters with Technical Terms

Abstract: To assist simultaneous interpreters with their work, one needs to find a balance between providing useful information and minimizing distraction. This talk will discuss a simple method for detecting and translating technical terms and a crowdsourced experiment to determine whether the method strikes the right balance for interpreter assistance--without actually using interpreters.


Lunch served by 12:15. 

TitleImproving access to bilingual education in DC at the DC Language Immersion Project

Lunch served at 12:15. 

TItle: How to use context for phonetic learning and perception

Title: Outputs as inputs: Sequential model of the products of infant “statistical learning” of language

The 9th annual Language Science Day is scheduled for Friday, October 5, 2018.

Title: What Domestic Dogs Can Tell Us About Language Learning

The graduate Ombuds person, Mark Shayman, will enlighten us about the Ombuds Office, a resource on campus to help graduate students navigate and resolve professional conflicts. This session is for STUDENTS ONLY.

Food and ideas bring people together. Our weekly lunch talk series provides students and faculty with the opportunity to present their in-progress work to a supportive, interdisciplinary audience.


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